University of Napoli Federico II (UNINA)

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI) in UNINA comprises about 120 full-time faculty members, 8 fixed-term research assistants, 41 temporary research fellows and more than 70 Ph.D. students. DIETI offers a Ph.D. Programme in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. The research areas covered by DIETI members, through both interdisciplinary collaborations among the department groups and a number of international collaborations, relate to the following horizontal themes:
- industrial applications of Electrical Engineering and ICT technologies;
- environment and critical infrastructures;
- energy, telecommunications and computing infrastructures;
- design and management of services for the Society, Public Administration and private firms;
- applications of ICT to healthcare services and in the field of medicine and biology.
DIETI is responsible of IO2 in the ErasmusX project. For more information, please visit:
Prof. Ettore Napoli, (1995, Ms Electronic Engineering; 1999, Ph.D. electronic Engineering Degree; 2009, Bsc Physiscs degree). 2005-ongoing: Associate Professor at University of Napoli Federico II Italy. 2004 (June-Dec) and 2005 (Jul-Oct): Senior Research Associate at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, UK. Its Scientific activities focus on: Power Semiconductor devices design and modeling; VLSI design with emphasis on real time processing of images and video sequences and arithmetic circuits. On these topics Ettore Napoli has published 138 papers on International Journals (56) and International Conferences (92). He is author of one book on FPGA design, coauthor of a book on digital electronics and wrote two book chapters on power semiconductor devices. Prof. Ettore Napoli holds one patent. He is Deputy editor in chief for IET Circuits Devices and System and Technical Program Committee member of various international conferences.
Elena Sole. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - DIETI– Head of the Research Projects Office at DIETI. Administrative responsible for ErasmusX at DIETI.
Monica Zuccarini. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Federica– PhD, expert in EU programmes Horizon 2020 and national programmes co-financed under the EU Structural Funds.